Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Importance of Communication

(Source: Google Images)
A person, as social being, cannot avoid communication with other people. (As an experiment, I tried not to speak to anybody for a day – it did not work out!) We all need to communicate in order to accomplish our goals in life – both big and small.

Our communication skills do not only impact our relationships with other people, but also affect the achievement of our short and long-term goals. To put it simply, the better are your communication skills, the faster and the more effectively will you be able to persuade other people to help you in accomplishing your goals. Therefore, your ability to communicate with others is directly related to your success in life. 
Factors that Influence Communication

Communication is a complicated process. If everybody could communicate with others simply and effortlessly, miscommunications, misunderstandings and even conflicts would not exist. Often, it is not the case. Before communicating with others, each person has to consider his audience, the communication medium through which to render the message, what to say, and how to say it. Also, personal and cultural differences often play a role in how we communicate and how our recipient processes the message.

Personal Example

In my school paper titled "My Communication Skills" written for one of my Communication Theory classes, I write about how different factors, such as the use of verbal and nonverbal language, the level of relationships, and interpersonal vs. group interaction, may impact communication process. I have illustrated the knowledge I gained in class and through research with personal examples.

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