Wednesday, November 28, 2012

An Example of a News Release (English)

Olga Nellis, Pink Rose Co., Inc
2001 Dream Road, Suite 221
Dreamville, TX 10001

Tel: (999)999-9999
Fax: (888)888-8888



Dreamville, TX: August 1, 2012 -For many years women have desired to keep the appearance of their skin young and healthy looking without buying expensive and often ineffective face care products. Now, Pink Rose skincare created a cream that not only provides daily essential nutrients and moisture, but also prevents facial skin from early aging, and is affordable.

The cream was developed based on a 100-year old Siberian skin care traditional recipe. The vegetable proteins, that are included in the cream, are collected from 15 different plants found only in Siberia have been used for over a century in various skin care potions that were proven to be effective in providing protection against signs of aging and in relaxing facial muscles  (which prevents early wrinkles), in enhancing cell metabolism, strengthening the collagen fibers, and increasing skin elasticity.

Pink Rose face care cream created with high quality ingredients gives skin a youthful and healthy appearance, fights the signs of aging, and improves the color and texture of skin while also protecting it from the sun’s harmful UVB rays that are considered the primary reason for skin aging. “The secret to a younger looking skin lies in the high quality skin care,” says Lynette Todd, the marketing director for Pink Rose Co., Inc.

This skin care product was especially formulated for women ages between 29-35 who have begun to spot the first signs of facial skin aging. The face cream is effective not only in reversing the signs of aging and smoothing the first wrinkles, but also in creating and maintaining the healthy look of the skin. The study results have shown that 98% of 30 women who tried this product experienced a decrease in the signs of aging, a more even skin tone and an improved skin texture after using this product for two weeks.

Pink Rose face cream is packaged in a 50 ml. plastic container. Suggested retail price is $8.99 per container. The product is going to be sold at the national pharmacy stores and at mass retailers throughout the country.

Pink Rose Co., Inc. is based in Dreamville Texas and specialized in production and distribution of skin care products that are sold in the United States, South America, and Europe. Pink Rose Co., Inc. is the only skin care product company that uses only natural ingredients grown both domestically and abroad, in combination with modern technologies to provide affordable quality skin care products to its customers. Pink Rose Co., Inc. is a multinational company with subsidiaries in Mexico, Germany and Russia.


-Pink Rose Skin Care Co., Inc.  –Dream Rd, ste 221, Dreamville TX 10001-

Example of a News Release/ Пример Пресс-Релиза (Russian/Русский)

Контактное лицо:
Ольга Неллис, Пинк Роуз Co., Inc
2001 Dream Road, Suite 221
Dreamville, TX 10001

Тел: (999)999-9999
Факс: (888)888-8888
Эл. Почта:



Дреамвиль, Техас: 1го Августа, 2012

На протяжении многих лет женщины желали выглядеть молодыми и здоровыми, не тратя при этом деньги на дорогие и часто неэффективные средства по уходу за кожей. Теперь компания Пинк Роуз разработала крем для лица, который не только дает коже необходимые элементы питания и увлажнения, но и предотвращает преждевременное старение кожи лица. Цена этого продукта приемлима.

Крем был разработан на основе столетнего Сибирского традиционного рецепта по уходу за кожей лица. Растительные белки, входящие в состав крема, экстрагируют из 15ти разных растений, которые растут в Сибири. Эти белки, которые более века использовались в разных лекарственных составах по уходу за кожей, подтвердили свою эффективность в защите кожи против признаков старения, расслаблении мышц кожи (действие, которое предотвращает появление морщин), улучшении метаболизма клеток, укреплении коллагеновых волокон и в увеличении упругости кожи.

Собраный с самыми высококачественными компонентами, крем для лица компании Пинк Роуз придаёт коже лица молодость и здоровье. Крем борется с признаками старения кожи, улучшает её цвет и структуру, а также защищает кожу от вредного воздействия ультрофиолетовых лучей, которые являются первопричиной старения кожи. «Секрет молодости заключается в высококачественном уходе за кожей,» говорит Линетт Тодд, директор по маркетингу компании Пинк Роуз.

Крем был специально разработан для женщин от 29 до 35 лет, которые начали замечать первые признаки старения кожи. Крем не только эффективно устраняет признаки старения и разглаживает первые морщинки, но также придаёт и сохраняет здоровый цвет лица. Результаты исследования показали, что после двух недель применения продукта, 98% из 30 женщин наблюдали исчезновение признаков старения, появление равномерного тона и улучшение фактуры кожи лица.

Пинк Роуз крем выпускается в пластмассовой упаковке в объёме 50 мл.  Предложенная розничная цена продукта - $8.99 за упаковку. Крем будет продаваться в аптеках и магазинах по всей стране.

Компания Пинк Роуз основана в городе Дреамвиль, штате Техас, и специализируется в производстве и распродаже средств по ухода за кожей. Продуты компании можно купить в Соединённых Штатах Америки, в странах Южной Америки и в Европе. Пинк Роуз – единственная копмания, которая использует ислючительно натуральные растения, которые произрастают в США и за пределами страны, и использует современные технологии в производстве своей продукции, чтобы доставлять своим потребителям высококачественные продукты по приемлимым ценам. Пинк Роуз Co., Inc. является мультинациональной компанией, филиалы которой находятся в Мексике, Германии и России.


-Pink Rose Skin Care Co., Inc.  –Dream Rd, ste 221, Dreamville TX 10001-

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Humor in Persuasion

Advertisers, politicians, religious leaders, and public speakers use humor as an effective persuasion tool. Humor successfully works in advertisements because funny and entertaining advertisements are more memorable than the humorless ones. People are more likely to remember hilarious television commercials and share them with their friends and relatives.

Humor produces a positive affect on the viewer’s mood by influencing the individual’s pathos, or emotions. Laughter, for example, reduces stress while uplifting the viewer’s mood. Good mood, in its turn, can have a positive effect on persuasion. According to a study (cited in Lyttle, 2001), “people who are in a good mood are less likely to disagree with a persuasive message” (para. 6). This might happen because the receiver can relate to the comical situation or because he or she appreciates the type of humor that the persuader is using. Relating to the situation and/or liking the type of humor may also increase the feeling of liking and connection with the source of humor in the viewer.

Appreciation of the type of humor the persuader is using can lead to developing a personal liking and connection in the viewer. According to Meyer (cited in Lyttle, 2001), “the choice of humor [the persuader employs] might illustrate a shared sense of humor that hints at a similar set of values” (para. 7). The closer the values depicted in the humorous situation resemble the viewer’s values, the closer the connection the viewer feels toward the persuader, and the more “likable” the persuader becomes to the viewer. Thus, persuasion can occur because the viewer is inclined to trust the person whose certain values resemble his or her own.

Humor and Persuasion Theories: Elaboration Likelihood Model and Heuristic Systematic Model

Persuasion theories, such as the Elaboration Likelihood Model and the Heuristic Systematic Model explain the effects of humor on persuasion. Both the Elaboration Likelihood Model and the Heuristic Systematic model, according to Siter and Gass (2004), maintain that depending on the individual’s motivation and ability to process information, the individual may employ either central (systematic) route, or peripheral (heuristic) route to process information (p. 57). When the viewer is motivated to process the message, he or she will be using the central, or systematic information processing route. When, on the other hand, the viewer’s motivation to process information is low he or she is more likely to rely on the peripheral or heuristic route, which provides shortcuts to the processing to information. In this case, the viewer may rely more on the source credibility and/or likability of the source, rather than on the quality of information. Humor, according to a study (cited in Lyttle, 2001), is effective in persuasion because the persuader may use it to “block systematic/central processing by distracting receivers from constructing counterarguments” (para. 8). When the systematic processing route becomes disengaged, the viewer is more likely to resort to using the peripheral processing route, which might facilitate successful persuasion.

Effects of the Types of Humor Used in Persuasion

The type of humor that advertisers use affect persuasion in the way that some types of humor may be more persuasive than others. For example, the results of one study conducted by Lyttle (2001) have shown that “ironic humor may be more effective than cartoon drawings and that self-effacing humor may be the most effective of all” (Discussion, para. 10). The reason why irony can be more effective in persuasion than a drawing is because it takes the viewer more time to process ironic humor than a drawing. Therefore, irony may have a longer impact on the viewer. The reason why self-effacing humor may be the most persuasive is that when the speaker points out his or her weaknesses or previous mistakes, the audience can relate to the speaker, which may increase the speakers likability and credibility.

Risks of Using Humor in Persuasion

The use of humor, in some instances, may involve risks. The potential drawbacks of using humor in persuasion include a) creating a distraction inhibiting the processing of information, and b) inducing insensitivity to the audience. One study (cited in Cline and Kellaris, 1999) suggests that a “humorous ad may increase attention while at the same time disrupt [information] processing” (Background and Hypotheses, para. 4). For example, when the persuader interrupts the message with an unrelated joke, the receiver pays more attention to the joke itself than to the contents of the message. Thus, the persuasiveness of the message’s arguments may be lost.

The advertisers have to be sensitive to their audience when advertising their product or service. For example, advertisers of life insurance companies and funeral home services should employ humor with care and sensitivity. When humor is used insensibly, chances are that the audience will not be persuaded, but rather offended. In such instances, strong arguments without humor might be a better option for advertisers. Cline and Kellaris (1999) write that, “strong, persuasive ad claims may not need humor to help sell a product” (Discussion, para. 4). The use of humor, thus, should depend on the specific product or service being advertised.

Cline , T.W., & Kellaris, J.J. (1999). The joint impact of humor and argument strength in a print advertising context: A case for weaker arguments. Psychology and Marketing, 16(1), 69. Retrieved December 11, 2011, from ProQuest student database. (Document ID: 37875581).
Lyttle, J. (2001, April). The effectiveness of humor in persuasion: The case of business ethics training. The Journal of General Psychology, 128(2), p. 206. Retrieved December 11, 2011, from ProQuest student database. (Document ID: 77223102).
Seiter, J.E., & Gass, R.H. (2004). Perspectives on persuasion, social influence, and compliance gaining. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.